"We make glass the old-fashioned way, using many techniques and tools that are essentially unchanged from those of a century ago." - George Fenton, President

Friday, September 16, 2005

Fenton Centennial, Good Things from RC Gifts

Fall 2005
Collector Editions Magazine

You might say that RC Gifts, Spooner, Wis., celebrates Fenton every day. As a Showcase Dealer, approx. Nine hundred Fenton pieces are displayed and when the Fenton catalogs come out, customers are invited to come in and write their name by the pieces they want.

"Recently, we celebrated Fenton's 100th Anniversary by inviting customers to enjoy refreshments and fun," says owner Kris Busch. Busch's favorite Fenton piece is the Donny Fenton commemorative piece because "we were friends when growing up," she says. "He grew up in the business and so did I. We both accompanied our parents to market in Chicago since we were about 10 years old."

RC Gifts, originally the Red Cross Pharmacy, can be reached at 1-800-344-9958.


Local Fenton enthusiast, Marilyn La Porte and RC clerk Sharon Crantz holds a Fenton ewer, possibly Rose Burmese according to Busch.