"We make glass the old-fashioned way, using many techniques and tools that are essentially unchanged from those of a century ago." - George Fenton, President

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Fenton Art Glass Company Presents...Things That Go Bump In The Night!

(Williamstown, WV). Spooky ghosts and friendly owls are the stuff that makes Halloween fun! The Halloween magic continues with a collection of Fenton figurines that sparkle and glitter with handpainted details. Spooky the Ghost dances in the leaves, and Hooot the Owl watches in approval. The Owl in the Moon Basket is perfect for decorating throughout the fall season. Each piece is handcrafted and signed with pride by the artist who completes it. Enjoy entertaining with Fenton, friends and family.

Item 5278 LH 5-1/2" "Spooky" the Ghost retails for $49.50.00
Item 3097 ME 10-1/2" "Owl in the Moon" Basket retails for $89.50
Item 5168 9E 3" "Hooot" the Owl retails for $32.50

Creating spectacular art glass for a century, Fenton Art Glass Company represents American handcrafted glass artistry. Located in Williamstown, WV, Fenton is known for its wide range of colors, handpainting and handcrafting. Three generations of Fenton family members remain active in the business and are proud to continue an American glassmaking tradition begun in 1905. For more information, call 800-933-6766 or visit www.fentonartglass.com.