"We make glass the old-fashioned way, using many techniques and tools that are essentially unchanged from those of a century ago." - George Fenton, President

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Celebrate the seasons with Four Seasons Fairy Lights!

Spring, summer, winter, fall…a Fenton lover has got to have them all! A Fairy Light for every season – so festive! Each is handpainted in the distinctive Mary Gregory style, each season created by a different Fenton designer. The “Mary Gregory” style of painting appeared more than 100 years ago as “Painted Cameo”, and only the skilled artisans of Fenton continue this challenging decorating style. “Mary Gregory” describes glassware that has been painted with white enamel, resulting in raised details that create an image.

The Mary Gregory Fairy Lights are designed to complement the 2004 Four Seasons collection of Baskets, and work well in any room as an accent candle or in the bedroom or bath as a nightlight.

Each piece is handpainted in painstaking detail, and signed with pride by the artist who completes it. For a closer look at the Four Seasons Fairy Lights collection...

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